Please read our procedures and complete the form at the bottom of the page.

It is important that everyone complies with the latest Government guidance on Coronavirus. We have had to adapt our everyday practices to ensure we continue to offer the staff and children a safe environment.

Hygiene and social distancing remain the two key elements of infection prevention and control. If any symptoms are displayed, families must be alert and self-isolate for the safety of everyone.

Everyone within the day to day running of Goldhill Adventure Playground will receive appropriate instruction and training on how to operate under the terms of the safe opening procedures.

There is always a risk when children come into an Adventure Playground setting but we are doing everything possible to minimise this risk. We are constantly reviewing and updating our procedures to take account of any changes in Government or local authority guidelines.

We aim to all work together and trust that everyone understands and follows these safe operating procedures.

The key principles of these procedures are:

  • Any child, staff member, parent or visitor with Coronavirus symptoms must not attend the playground and isolate at home.

  • Increased Cleaning processes are in place.

  • Handwashing will be required on entry to the playground, when needed during the session and when leaving the playground.

  • Children and staff will be social distancing as much as possible.

  • Children and employees are welcome to attend The Playground but must not be displaying any coronavirus symptoms, the most common being a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of taste and smell.

  • You must Inform the playground if your child is showing symptoms or has tested positive for coronavirus or has been in contact with someone that has.

It is important that you seek medical advice if unsure.

It is important that children do not attend The Playground if unwell for their own wellbeing and the safety of others.

If anyone is experiencing any symptoms they cannot return to The Playground until they have completed the required isolation period and be symptom free or have received a negative test result (Proof is required). Prompt exclusion is essential to preventing the spread of infection. Children and employees who are classed as clinically vulnerable should follow their medical advice before attending The Playground.

Start and end of session

Prior to the start of the session children will wait at the gate and it is important to social distance.

Sessions will have fixed start and end times please do not arrive early or late

The main gate will be locked from the inside to prevent others from entering once the session has started

It is preferable that your child only attends one playground to avoid mixing with different groups of children.

Implementing social distancing

It is very difficult to avoid a level of physical interaction with young children and it is important to have their wellbeing at the centre of everything we do. If a child wanted a High 5 it would not be fair to deny this. To help with social distancing each session will have small groups of children.

Children will have access to a wide range of play equipment/activities that are considered safe at this time.


All employees will have an induction and training on the new safe operating procedures, with emphasis on good hygiene practices and maintaining social distancing.

Fire drills and emergency

If we have to respond to a fire or an emergency, we will continue to manage social distancing as much as possible. The safety of the children and staff will come first.


We all know that this is a very unusual and worrying time for everyone, however it is important that we do not let the current situation prevent the playground from being a safe, fun, stimulating place to play. It will be a little different to what we are use too but please bear with us.

Health, hygiene, and safety

It is recognised that good hygiene and cleaning practices will significantly reduce the spread and transmission of the virus as well as everyone being alert to symptoms.


Toilets will be cleaned between sessions and when needed.

Equipment will be cleaned after sessions and when needed.

The rate of handwashing will be increased.


All employees and children should wear clean clothing every day if possible.

Risk assessments

All risk assessments will reflect the risk of transmission of Covid 19, and activities will be adapted or removed to allow staff to help manage the risk.

Responding to a person displaying symptoms of COVID-19.

A child

If a child is suspected of displaying coronavirus symptoms whilst attending the playground, they will need to be collected as soon as possible and follow NHS guidance. The child must be tested before they return.

Whilst waiting to be collected, they will be isolated from others in a designated area. A member of staff will stay with them and will wear PPE.

If the child becomes very unwell, we will follow normal emergency procedures and call 999.

The isolation area will be cleaned once the child has been collected.

An employee who displays symptoms

In the event of an employee developing Coronavirus symptoms whilst at work they will leave work as soon as possible and follow NHS guidance. They will be required to have a test before they return.

PPE equipment

Government guidance is that PPE is not required for general use within Playgrounds to protect against COVID-19 transmission. Handwashing and effective cleaning are the most effective measures.

Each employee will have their own individual PPE kit in a labelled bag.

Reporting testing and tracing

Any suspected or confirmed case must be reported to the Playground as soon as possible. If a positive result is confirmed, the staff and children associated with that group must self –isolate for 14 days before returning to the playground. Positive tests will be reported to Public Health and Ofsted.

Covid-19 Parent/Carer Agreement

Please complete the form below.